Yoga & Movement!

Mid-Winter Break Kids Day Camp

What to Expect:

Our time together will include playful yoga and lively games to keep your kids moving and having fun!

Kids will be split into two age appropriate groups. Spots are limited!

‣ Playful Yoga: 

Yoga Story Adventures, Partner Yoga Poses, Sun Salutations, Animal Yoga Pose Games, Mindful Breathing

‣ Movement Games:

Obstacle Course, Relay Races, Floor is Lava Hopscotch, Freeze Dance, Team Building Games, and so much more!

This day camp is for you if ...

‣ You want your kids to have fun!

‣ You are looking for new ways for your kids to stay active!

‣ You want to send kids of various ages to the same camp!

‣ You have other things going on and can't commit to a full day/week.

‣ You want an affordable camp experience!

‣ You don't want to travel outside of Maple Valley for activities!

‣ You want your kids to meet new friends!

‣ You work during the day and need time to get things done!

‣ You want a break to have some time for yourself!

‣ You love supporting small local businesses!

Check Out Previous Kids Camps

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